Meet this Year’s New Clubs


Get involved. It’s probably the most widely given advice for students at CB South. Getting involved in clubs and activities introduces you to students with similar interests as you, and will make your years at South much more memorable. South has dozens of clubs covering a wide range of interests from community service to theater to science.

This year, South is introducing several new clubs. The Physics Club is an excellent opportunity to learn more about physics and participate in physics activities. This club meets in Mr. Smith’s room on Wednesdays.

Another new club this year is the Society of Women Engineers. Meetings are on the first Monday of each month and will offer engineering related activities and guest speakers. Despite the name, this club is open to both guys and girls interested in learning about engineering.

If science isn’t your thing, you might consider joining the Languages Club. Run by Senora Hoffman and Senora Boyce, this club is for those who want to learn about languages and cultures that aren’t already taught at South. Each meeting will focus on a learning a different language, and eating food, playing games, or learning dances of that culture.

Speaking of dance, this year South is introducing its very first dance troupe, the Titan Elite Dance. Meeting on one or two Mondays each month, this club will offer master classes, local performances, and an annual spring showcase. No dance experience is necessary to join.

The number of clubs at South is always growing, so it shouldn’t be difficult to find something you’re interested in.
Many of these clubs accept new members throughout the year, so don’t be afraid to attend meetings and get involved! And if you can’t find one you’re interested in, why not start your own?