Even Stranger Things

*Spoiler Warning*

In 2016, a strange, new Netflix series was released and became overwhelmingly popular. On October 27th of 2017, an even more stranger season took the world by storm. Yes, this show is obviously, Stranger Things. Recently, I binged season one and two. Though it caused me to procrastinate on a lot of things, it was totally worth it!
In season one, the show introduces four best friends; the audience instantly falls in love with their personalities and character. Throughout the season, we continue to appreciate other characters too, and of course the whole plot. When finishing season one, I thought to myself, “What could go wrong? Will is back from the upside down.” I was very wrong; the ending left many audience members in shock. This eventually leads to the start of season two.
So here we are, Stranger Things 2. For starters, we should really give some appreciation to the effects crew, because wow. The demogorgons were so realistic, even I was scared. In this season, more characters were introduced, for example Billy and Maxine. The character development in the season was impressive. Due to Eleven being “missing,” or just hiding and discovering who she really is, and Will being possessed by the monster, Mike if left as a static character. He was most likely emotionally and physically drained. Typically, static characters do not add to the story, but the writers made Mike obviously less like himself from season one. I think it is interesting because Eleven was also in a phase like that too, probably because they both missed being with one another, especially after their kiss at the end of season one. Ahh young romance.
Speaking of romance, how about those relationships in season two! First there was the on-going jealousy from Steve because Jonathan stole Nancy from him. Team Jancy all the way. I was not shocked when they got together, I think everyone knew it was coming. While Nancy and Jonathan were together, Steve discovered his babysitting ability and became best friends with Dustin, very unexpected. Meanwhile, Dustin was in his own love triangle between himself, Lucas, and Max. I was rooting for Dustin and Max, mostly because I love Dustin and he deserves a nice girl. However, Max and Lucas liked each other instead. Poor Dustin.
The best relationship by far was Eleven and Mike. The fans have been loving them since day one. They even had their first kiss together, how adorable. When they finally saw each other again after Eleven’s memorable, rebellious entrance after killing a demogorgon, you could see the connection between them. Switching from Eleven’s intimating entrance, she made a beautiful entrance at the Snowball, turning Mike’s head in disbelief. She finally felt the feeling of being “pretty,” like she’s been wanting.
Overall this season had some outstanding visual effects, very well-developed characters and plot, and let’s not forget the unforgettable feeling we felt watching all the kids enjoy the Snowball dance.
Be sure to watch Stranger Things 3 when it releases, and beware of the demogorgons!