How to Embrace Slower Living

In a world dominated by endless dopamine cycles from scrolling on social media, hustle culture in a racing economy, packages from half a world away in single day, from a single tap—it’s important to slow down and appreciate the smaller things in the contemporary void of convenience.

Influencer culture has normalized the idea of overconsumption. Every day, users on apps like Instagram or TikTok see 1,000-dollar Shien hauls, promotions for plastic bins from their Amazon storefront for an organized fridge, or clothing trends that change quickly. Even plastic surgery, for example Buccal fat removal, is trending. In the fast-moving digital world, slowing down is a necessity.

Slow living is a lifestyle which embraces a slower pace to life, and its goal is to make everyday tasks more meaningful.

Although complete self-sustainability isn’t the goal of slower living (nor is it an accessible option for most), steps can be taken to achieve it. Instead of going to a fast-food place, take time out of your day to make something with your own hands. Hearty soup made from leftover beef will always be more rewarding than spending fifteen dollars on a reheated burger made in less than five minutes.

In addition, try to buy produce and other food products based on the season. In the autumn months, make a meal with butternut squash instead of lettuce or other out-of-season vegetables. Go to the nearest farmer’s market or farmstand to, not only boost your local economy, but interact with the community at large.

Growing your own food, starting with easier plants like herbs, will further your connection with nature and may turn into a hobby down the road. It can be a family activity which creates quality time when it’s otherwise lacking.

Since the lifestyle demands every member to take time away from work or other activities, slow living can increase familial relationships. Dedicate a day to playing board games, going on a nature walk together, or seeing a local museum. Once we step outside of our digital worlds, its wonderful to see what can happen in relationships and to the natural world around us.

Carefully choose what to buy instead of needlessly buying products that will likely end up unused or in a landfill. As we face the consequences of global warming, it’s important to buy more sustainably and meaningfully. If physical second-hand places like thrift stores aren’t an option, there is an abundance of online second-hand options available like Depop, Poshmark, or Ebay. For buying clothes new, try to reduce mall visits to three to four times a year or for every season.

Set aside a time for you to do things that make you happy. Life often feels like it’s going too quickly, so it’s especially important to make time for your hobbies outside of work or school. This set time will make your hobbies feel more meaningful rather than something you do occasionally.

Changing long practiced habits can be difficult, but it will be worth it in the long run. For a large reward of greater fulfillment, the shift to slower living only requires small changes.