Mr Bowler: Behind the Voice of the Titan Stadium Announcer

A crisp October wind blows through Titan Stadium. A booming voice breaks through the chatter
of the crowd. Everyone knows who it belongs to: Mr. Bowler.

Anyone within a mile of South recognizes his voice, but most people don’t really know who he
is outside of game day. Ask a student at South who Mr Bowler is and you’re sure to get plenty of
responses praising him for his announcing or teaching, but rarely will you get specifics.

At the very basic level Mr Bowler is a social studies teacher at Central Bucks South. Before
South opened, he taught at Central Bucks West.

In the year before South opened, teams were fielded from the students who would eventually
attend. At this point there was no announcer, so the district athletic director sent an email to all
staff asking for an announcer for a soccer game.

“I think I was the only person who responded,” Mr Bowler said. “They gave me the job, no

He said before he even left the first meeting he was already being scheduled for future games,
but being a new teacher looking to get a contract, he felt he couldn’t say no.

Announcing soccer eventually led to basketball and lacrosse, and now he announces for every
one of South’s sports that can have an announcer. Although he is most known for football and
basketball, he announces night games for soccer, field hockey, and lacrosse, and even makes
announcements for track meets.

Track has a unique significance to Mr Bowler as he ran during high school.

“I wish I could have played football,” he said, “but I was always too small, just too small.”

He says his favorite sport to watch is football, but his favorite to announce is basketball. He
appreciates the intimacy of the court, the gym being closed and slightly crammed, the fact that
there’s nowhere for anyone to hide. “It brings out the best athletes,” he added.

His eyes light up when talking about the talent at South.

“I called every one of Josh’s touchdowns here at South,” he said, speaking of now professional
football player Josh Adams.

Mr Bowler may be a sports fan, but above that he is a South fan. He doesn’t see announcing as
being about him, its about inspiring spirit in the school.

He says that he “gets a lot of satisfaction out of it,” but is quick to clarify that its not about him.
He is the first person to drum up support for a sporting event, but its “to get people to support our
teams, not come listen to me.”

The same passion that Mr Bowler has for sports carries into the classroom. As a teacher he is
“loud and proud” as junior Tanner Valentine put it.

Junior Ian McCaw added to Valentine’s sentiment, “He’s just honest and doesn’t hold back.”

Teaching social studies current events come up frequently. Although he speaks his mind, he
doesn’t do so in a way to sway his students one way or another.

“He’s a very emotional man,” Junior Kat Whybrow said.

All three students commented on his dedication, to both his students and his family.

“He loves everyone he teaches and cares for every single one of us,” McCaw said.

He shows his passion and compassion to any student in his classroom. One of the things stressed
by his students is how much he cares about his family as well.

In every part of his life he shows passion and a true love for what he does. His personality is best summed up when he said, “I just get a lot of satisfaction out of it,” both teaching and announcing.

This fall be sure to catch a game, but remember it’s not about Mr Bowler, well, not